
Saturday, 9 February 2013

Going through my stash

Having time to go through my fabric I found this.There was only a small amount so decided to make this bag for a child. Then it was back to sorting out again. I have found fabric to make samples for Norfolk Young Quilter's as well as Very small scraps. One of our charity shops will take them if in a clear plastic bag. Textile waste can then be sold by the kilo. My sewing room is no clearer so I will have to set a side time this week to try and finish it as my grandchildren are coming to stay for a few days. They sleep in my sewing room and to get the cot in my machine and table have to go away.

Once the snow had gone I went out with my camera to see what was now putting on a display.

               The snowdrops are at the base of this Contorted Hazel that forms my grandchildren s Den.

                                   Spring is on it's way but we still have snow in our weather forecast.

                                                         Well back to fabric sorting .

                                              Do take a look at the blogs that are showing
                                        Japan's Quilt show.There are links on the side of my blog.

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