
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Art Exhibition and Young Quiltrs

Well I have now finished. This a pattern from Lynne Edwards Book on Blanket stich Appliqué. It has turned out better than the photo .The Art exhibition is in Attleborough Town Hall ,Friday 5th /Saturday 6th/ Sunday 7th  September 10am till 4pm.There will be work from lots of local artist working in different mediums. Many for sale .
Yesterday was spent   with  10  Norfolk Young Quilters ,thy all worked very hard and as you can see some did not manage to finish. All the children are given work sheet to keep ( in there owl folders )so hopefully thy will get them finished .Just a little hand sewing on the binding should do the job.

The next class is making a Christmas Table centre . Before that  M.C. and I will spend a day cutting  and putting in to packs all the fabric needed, with full instructions . We are vary luck as we have money and fabric donated by individual  members of  the   Norfolk Quilters Guild . We also do fund raising by sell things we have made as samples of the children's workshops   .

The future is looking good for the next generation for Quilters.
Enjoy what you are doing .

Sunday, 24 August 2014

A picture for an Art exhibition

Just starting to quilt after doing hand work to make a picture rather than a wall hanging.I will post when I have it finished it. A sewing day tomorow as we are due to have rain . It is a bank holiday hear the last before Christmas.


Friday, 22 August 2014

One I made years a go

I thought I would share this photo my cousin posted on Facebook  of a quilt I made many years a go.
It was sent to her to put into Fibre Arts competition at Gibson , B C  Canada. It is a Kaleidoscope of the 4 element's using   Paula Nadelstern's book   Kaleidoscopes & Quilts. As each panel is Quilt as you go it can be folded to give a change , this is Fire .

I have not done much sewing this last week or so as other thing have been going on. I do have something I need to finish for an Art Exhibition  coming in September.

Off to get some food shopping now.
enjoy your week-end.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Fat quarter bag

Bag pattern made for the Norfolk young quilters. Many years ago I had seen a bag  like this but had to make the patterns and write the instructions.
I will take the owl bag to Little Ellingham show this week end.

I have the the grandchildren for a few days as my daughter can bring them.I enjoy every moment.
All sewing has to be put away as it is in the childrens bedroom.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Little Elingham show

Just a reminder of last years show . I hope the weather is good this year.