
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Going through old books and mags

Having decided to go through my old books and magazines I found a pattern in Jenny Rayment's
book    Creative Tucks and Textures   . I am going to make another cushion cover using more of the
fabric my daughter brought back from her trip to New Zealand .

I now have a large pile of magazines to pass on to some girls new to Quilting.
I am now getting ready to go to my Art group.
Enjoy your day what ever you are doing 

Saturday 22 June 2013

"As seen on T.V. "

 Pensthorp Nature Reserve has been the setting for a wild life program in England, called Springwatch or Autumwatch.

I have attended craft fair's hear but this is the first time I have had a chance to walk around.

 This was another day out with Friend's.

              Most enjoyably .

           No sewing for a few week's as the garden needs my attention.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Sheringham Park north Norfolk U.K.

                                                         Just enjoy the view.

I have had friend's to stay last week and we managed to get out and about with out getting wet.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Hockwold Country fair

The things you meet when out and about.

This was to oldest lorry in the the parade 

Suffolk Punch ,now a rare breed

 Another rare sight

Just a few photos from Sundays fair.The weather was lovely, just a bit windy. Our pitch was quit close to the main ring,with our back to the wind.  Quit cosy.
As the weather was so good the Fair as well attended  and sales were much better than last week-end.
At the end of the week there will lots more photos on there web site.

Hockwold-cum-wilton  Norfolk U.K.

As I had a busy week with my daughter and family hear for a few day as well it is now time to do all the washing, ironing, gardening before my next visitors next craft fair and visitors next week.

No sewing for a few weeks but lots of outings.

enjoy your week